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Winder Power manufactures a range of air-cooled, dry-type class 220 insulated transformers , with or without enclosures. They are particularly suitable for use at high temperature and in tunnelling applications.

The units are ideal for installation into switchgear cabinets or ventilated cubicles and present a reduced fire hazard. Winder Power’s air-cooled dry-type transformers have gained a reputation for safety and reliability and were chosen by Transmanche Link to supply the power for the construction of the Channel Tunnel under the most arduous of conditions. Air-cooled, dry-types class 220 transformers contain no liquid to pollute the ground or water supplies, which means that no measures to guard against spillage are required.

Our design and construction capacity can satisfy many diverse needs and applications, such as autotransformers, transformers for 6-12-18-24-36 pulse rectifiers, HV-HV and LV-LV transformers, three single phase transformers, triple windings transformers as well as applications for traction and testing rooms.

Furthermore, cast resin transformers can cope well with overloads found in the most typical installations, whilst the quality technology employed in the manufacturing process of windings gives the product high level reliability.

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Applications for Air-Cooled, Dry Type Transformers:

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Click below to download
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Forced cooling system

Completely manufactured in the production hall, this kind of ventilation guarantees a correct forced circulation of the air inside every single column for three phase and single phase transformers. It has been estimated that thanks to the ventilation system it’s possible to increase up to 40% of the power of the transformer (for a short period). Together with the forced cooling system is suggested the use of PWR12. It’s a device specifically developed for the control of electric motors, particularly those fitted to the ventilation systems, able to diagnose motor faults by valuating changes in current drawn the same.

Anti-vibration pads for transformers wheels

It’s an intelligent, compact and cheap device with the function of reducing vibrations and noise of the transformers. Where transformers are located in a noise sensitive area, such as hospitals, offices, apartments or buildings, the pads manufactured by Winder Power could be the correct solution against these problems. There are two kinds of anti-vibration pads suitable for standard wheel sizes fitted to
the distribution transformers.

Transformer Classes

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[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Enviromental class E2″ open=”false”]Transformer suitable for working in environments subject to frequent condensation or heavy pollution, or a combination of both of them.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Fire class F1″ open=”false”]Transformers subject to a fire hazard. They present a restricted inflammability, low emission of toxic substances and opaque fumes.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Standard Accessories” open=”false”]Standard accessories supplied with all transformers are:

  • N.3 PT100 probes for windings temperature
  • N.4 lifting eyebolts
  • N.4 bidirectional wheels
  • N.2 earthing link
  • N.1 identification plate
  • Tapping terminal board on MV side
