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Made in Yorkshire Group Visits Winder Power

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Over 40 manufacturing businesses convened on Winder Power this morning as the Made in Yorkshire manufacturing and engineering peer group held its regular breakfast session at the company’s Pudsey headquarters and factory. The morning comprised an informal networking session over breakfast, an introduction to Winder Power from CEO Laurence MacKenzie, followed by a guided tour of the factory led by a team of Winder Power tour guides.

Many comments and a lot of interest revolved around Winder Power’s health and safety policies and recording processes, as well as how such a huge factory manages to look so clean and tidy. (The simple answer is that we operate a Lean Manufacturing system combined with Just in Time deliveries from our supply partners!) There was also a chance for each business to introduce themselves to the group, and explain what they were hoping to achieve from their membership, which sparked some very interesting and hopefully fruitful conversations.

Commenting on the event, Winder Power manufacturing manager Dave Child said; “It was really enjoyable to showcase what we have been building here over the past few years, and from the feedback from my tour group our fellow members enjoyed comparing our methods and theirs, and hopefully they took some of our best practice ideas away with them.”

Made in Yorkshire director Chrissie Gale added; “One of the real strengths of the group is the ability for members to share good ideas and best practice ways of working, and again today we saw many of those type of conversations taking place between members.”